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Metal Lungies: Kanye West Beat Drop


I was asked to contribute to Metal Lungies’ Kanye West Beat Drop. As expected, I’m way more pretentious and long-winded than the rest of the dudes, oh well. The beats I picked were ‘Guess Who’s Back?’, ‘Never Let Me Down’, ‘Selfish’, ‘Go’, and ‘The Glory’. Follow the link below:

“This is from Kanye’s best beat-making era. Right after the success of The Blueprint and before he became a superstar, Kanye laced a whole lot of rappers’ albums with two or three beats and usually one of them ended up a street or radio single. In addition to the obvious “trademark” chipmunk-soul, all of Kanye’s beats from this mini-era had these strange, really-thick-but-rather-limp drums on them. It’s like he chopped the drums so short that he removed the beginning and end of the drum sound and sucked out all the bump. Similar drums — probably the exact same drums, really — are all over The College Dropout and critics cited them as a weakness, but it moves Kanye’s production even further away from conventional boom-bap. The drums don’t charge through, they contemplatively knock in the background as basslines and soul strings and subtle “Guess who’s back?” vocal scratches bubble up. My single of this song — it’s the B-side to “On My Block” — credits Kanye, but I’m pretty sure that’s Mos Def on the hook…”

Written by Brandon

June 11th, 2008 at 7:51 am

7 Responses to 'Metal Lungies: Kanye West Beat Drop'

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  1. Wow, I live in Lubbock! What a random thing to come acorss. My wife loves HORNS (I get to read it after she is done with it) and I’m a big fan of 20th CENTURY GHOSTS and HEART SHAPED BOX.For music, how about some of Lubbock’s ownBuddy Holly or The Flatlanders?


    2 Jun 15 at 7:00 am

  2. That insight’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!

    2 Jul 15 at 7:50 am

  3. A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!

    26 Jul 15 at 6:13 am

  4. Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.

    4 Aug 15 at 7:38 am

  5. Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!

    13 Aug 15 at 7:37 am

  6. Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.

    13 Aug 15 at 7:37 am

  7. How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.

    28 Dec 15 at 3:04 pm

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