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Soul Food & Sushi: A Mania Music Group Mixtape

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-Download Soul Food & Sushi at 41Yo.Com

All of Mania Music Group’s stuff is available at their website for free already, but I wanted to give people that hadn’t heard them the closest thing I could think of to an all-encompassing sampling of their work. So with Mania’s blessing, I started working on Soul Food & Sushi: A Mania Music Group Mixtape.

At about this time last year, WE DO IT RIGHT dropped a fan mixtape of Jay Electronica’s work and it’s what moved me from a dude with a few of his tracks on my computer to an all-out fan. I thought I’d do my own version of that for Mania. It’s basically my favorite tracks with a few clips (and a monster freestyle) from their radio interview on WQFS with Adam Katzman all mixed by Joseph Oheygi of the blog Geek Down. Enjoy and pass it around.

Written by Brandon

April 13th, 2009 at 4:46 pm

Posted in Mania Music Group

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  1. Hi cant find you on CardsApp. whats your cbn number?

    Scott thomas

    26 Sep 14 at 6:29 pm

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