No Trivia

"What The World’s Like" Mix

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“What the World’s Like” Mix (62 Minutes 15 Seconds)

Real content on Monday. This began as a mix CD for a friend who visited in late January, right as Obama became president, Gaza was heating-up, the economy was sinking, and Oscar Grant’s murder by cops got sucked-up by other news stories. These events took up a lot of our conversation, as did damn-the-recession trips to record, book, and comic book stores and a late-night viewing of Elem Klimov’s Come and See which is a devastating enough look at “victims and perpetrators” to transcend politics and sides and history and context and sort of spiral out way beyond Belarussia or the Holocaust to Vietnam or Iraq to Katrina and everywhere else. Snippets of humanism and decency are mixed-in for good measure in these uneasy, rarefied times…

-“Kamikaze 2009″
-“Love Lockdown: NO TRIVIA Edition”

Written by Brandon

March 6th, 2009 at 8:33 pm

Posted in mix CD

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