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"Can’t Stop The Pro": An Interview With DJ Excel

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-”Can’t Stop the Pro”: An Interview with DJ Excel

Way back in March, I sat down with DJ Excel with a bunch of cigarettes and Starbucks and just started talking, mainly bugging him about his career as a beatmaker and Baltimore Club producer from the start, which for him kicked-off with a chance meeting in a mental institution in eighth grade. My main attempt as to fill in the holes in Excel’s career and explain why there was a gap between his first Club record from 1995 and his return to the scene almost a decade later. Excel sent the interview back to me recently, accompanied by a beat–like dude remixed my interview–and so, the talking starts around the two minute point. I’d advise even those readers that don’t know much about Excel to stream or download this podcast/interview thingy because I think you’ll get something out of it…unless a really great producer’s twisty-turny life story told with a whole bunch of candor and honesty doesn’t matter to you.

Written by Brandon

June 12th, 2009 at 6:41 am

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