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How Big Is Your World? DJ Pierre – “Can U Feel It?”


OJ Da Juiceman’s hiding inside of this song, I think. Listen close to those squeaking, oscillating high-pitched sounds that start talking to the Eno-esque pulses 38 seconds in: those are the pitched-shifted “Aye!” ad libs of young Juiceman…I think. Specifically, it sounds like Pierre has grabbed some pieces of –wherein Murder Mark sampled the Gucci track of the same name and then covered it in a haze of OJ Da Juiceman “aye!”s and “okay!”s—and incorporated it into his much more chill, Art Of Noise-esque club track. As “Can U Feel It” unravels, the manipulted “aye”s grow closer to sounding like a human voice, giving this askew dance track that very important feeling of progression.

Notice how “Can U Feel It?” lacks most of the basic, decades-old elements of Baltimore Club (no quirky/raunchy samples, no “Think” or “Sing Sing,” it’s not all that aggressive) and instead, wanders around in its own strange sonic space. I like to tell people that club music isn’t a subgenre, it’s a genre and though that sounds really good but only kinda makes sense, the point is club’s pretty much mutating into something unrecognizable to older ears and that’s awesome (it’s even more awesome because somehow these tracks still work next to the classics in mixes). DJ Pierre is at the forefront of this still figuring itself out mutation.

Also check out Pierre’s latest track which at first, teases itself as a “Samir’s Theme” derivation and then waddles into far murkier territory.

*you can also read this post on Tumblr now, golly!

Written by Brandon

September 15th, 2010 at 8:23 pm

7 Responses to 'How Big Is Your World? DJ Pierre – “Can U Feel It?”'

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  1. oh my god. what a track!


    16 Sep 10 at 2:45 pm

  2. criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi criolipolisi


    15 Feb 14 at 6:00 pm

  3. Hey dude! I just recently found out about you, well, I’ve heard some of your stuff for a cpoule of years or so at my friends house, but either I would get distracted & forget to ask the artist name of the cool song we were listening to or sometimes , when I DID ask, my friend would just smile at me & not say anything just to mess with me, hahaha! Or if I tried to look at his computer screen & see for myself who was playing he would quickly cover the artists name with his hand, again, just to drive me crazy! Anyways, he was DJing a week ago & I was standing right next to him, & since he was too busy keeping an eye on the turntables & his laptop, I was finally able to catch you’re name! HOORAY!!!! So now I, of course, FINALLY know 1 of the artists he’s been hiding from me LOL!! Also, I am EXTREMELY desperately curious to know where you got the hey voice sample that you used on I never thought that we (it hits at between 45 & 50 seconds into the song)??? I’ve only heard this 1 other time back in the early 90s (& I don’t remember what song it was in), but its always been stuck in my head & I really want a copy of it!! PLEASE, good Sir, I beg of thee!! Thanks 4 taking the time 2 read through all this, and I hope you are doing well. Cheers, Edward


    4 May 14 at 12:44 pm

  4. Greatest success story from a beisnuss perspective yes. Greatest rapper of all time? Not even close. Verdict = Great beisnussman, skilled rapper. Top 15 greatest rappers for sure, but nowhere near GOAT status in my opinion. But being top 15 and a great beisnuss (multi-millionaire) is a hell of a achievement in my opinion so I respect that. 1


    23 Feb 15 at 1:15 am

  5. somebody else said or taught (been misenprrseeted enough myself). So I don’t know what George MacDonald believed or taught. I do know he pastored briefly and did publish some sermons, I’m just not familiar with them. And it would take more than a phrase here or a sentence there for me to conclude I knew precisely what he was asserting context is important (again, personal experience). As for the idea that “God loves us too much to be willing to send anybody there [Hell],” I find it transparently contradicted by the plain teaching of Scripture. But rather than cite various passages (I don’t see any ‘second chance’ at the Great White Throne, Rev. 20:11-15), I think the phrasing of the matter is significant.“God loves us too much to send us to hell” is ‘true’ in the sense that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.” At the ultimate cost to Himself and to the amplification of His glory, He’s provided a way of salvation. How? “whoever believes in him [the Son] shall not perish but have eternal life.” God’s done ‘His part’ so to speak. But there is also ‘our part’ which is to believe. “Whoever believes in him is not condemned”. This is the ‘one chance’ the Scripture clearly teaches (as opposed to an I’ll say ‘imagined’ second chance). “[B]ut whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”*As for the impulse that rises saying ‘But if only .’, I’m bound by the words of Jesus in Luke 16 (vv 27-31 quoted below). When the rich man, in hell, learns there’s no relief for him he says “Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.” Abraham replies, “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.” The rich man proposes from hell (!) that that’s not good enough! “No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.” In language that seems directly relevant to how many ‘chances’ one gets, Abraham concludes, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” So I don’t know what George MacDonald believed and taught, but the idea that “everybody will be given a 2nd chance to accept Christ once they get to the Great White Throne judgment” is definitely false teaching.CJS*Scripture quoted from John 3:16 and 18


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    27 Apr 15 at 1:00 am

  7. Romania? Wow. I need to follow your adcive and get out the vacuum. Love my vacuum, hate to vacuum. After years of vacuum incompatibility of need-v-cheap, I splurged and got a Dyson. It made the chore so much easier and gave me time to play on the computer. As for where I write, I have a library with a designated cabinet that hides the cords and I can close the doors to hide the computer. No mess and more time to enjoy other activities. Beautiful day in Alabama, today’s high is projected to be 84 degrees. The leaves have not started to change colors yet, they have that mature , rich green of summer ripeness. An occasional, mitten shaped leaf from a tulip popular will flutter from the top heights of the trees signaling that Autumn is near.


    4 May 15 at 12:44 am

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