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Splice Today: Neurosis – Live At Roadburn 2007

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Here’s a review I did of Neurosis’ Live At Roadburn 2007 and the re-release of 1993’s Enemy Of The Sun. Struggled with explaining how and why the group is so much better than all the stuff they’ve influenced but I think I did an okay job, while also getting in some unnecessarily catty digs at bands that stick in my crawl. Dunno, just seems like Neurosis are the sort of band that once you heard them, it’d be tough to return to all this wandering, build-up-then-explode “post-metal,” you know?

Before metal got all mannered and started circling the drain of drone, getting all respectable, and soundtracking Jim Jarmusch movies, Oakland hardcore/metal contingent Neurosis stood alone in stretching out, slowing up, and lurching forward the core dynamics of heavy rock. And sorry bro, but none of the copycats and third-generation in-quotes catharsis builders that have come since really compare. The release of a live album, Live at Roadburn 2007, and the re-release 1993’s Enemy of the Sun make that painfully clear…

Written by Brandon

September 29th, 2010 at 4:18 pm

Posted in Splice Today, metal

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