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Pitchfork: G-Side – The One…Cohesive


It’s been very hard not to post some thoughts on G-Side’s The One…Cohesive, discussing certain songs (“Inner Circle,” “No Radio” “Imagine”), or specific details (Kristmas’ “c’mon people” verse on “Y U Mad,” GMane’s “wash my dick off in the sink” verse from “Pictures,” the transition from “Inner Circle” to “Jones,” the way “Never” makes me want to drive my car off the road it’s so awesome) but I got to review it for Pitchfork and wanted to save my thoughts for that review–and you can read it by clicking below:

Last year, Huntsville, Ala., hip-hop duo G-Side took message board buzz and rap blog kudos for 2008’s Starshipz and Rocketz and turned it into a mini-movement with the ambitious, worldly, blog-obsessed Huntsville International. The biggest musical export from Huntsville last year, however, was Antoine Dodson and the Gregory Brothers’ “The Bed Intruder Song”, an embarrassing local news clip turned Internet meme that inexplicably hit the Billboard Hot 100.

On The ONE… COHESIVE, G-Side rapper ST 2 Lettaz, the braying, bold contrast to partner Yung Clova’s raspy skepticism, makes two purposefully crude references to Antoine Dodson. “Never” features a dismissive aside (“tampons for you Antoines”) and on “Came Up”, he warns rappers, “like the Lincoln Park rapist, I’m comin’ through your window.” ST’s ire stems from Dodson’s complicity in presenting Huntsville as another backwoods hood (G-Side calls it “a mini Memphis” for good reason). But Dodson’s use of the web to make a better life for himself and his family is probably something G-Side can get behind…

Written by Brandon

January 14th, 2011 at 6:13 am

Posted in G-Side, Pitchfork

3 Responses to 'Pitchfork: G-Side – The One…Cohesive'

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  1. good one sir! loved this album.


    14 Jan 11 at 7:26 am

  2. “Seriously, some creative kids with extra time on their hands should set homemade montages to this album and stick them up on YouTube: the Coldplay pianos and spacey drum’n'bass of “Y U Mad” to Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain, maybe, or “Inner Circle”’s stormy bursts of synths and strings to Inception”
    I thought about dong this for the first song on Huntsville International intertwined with clips from Slum Dog Millionaire. Their music is very cinematic.


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