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Spin: “Goblin Redux, Touching Up Tyler’s New Album.”


In this week’s column, I fix Tyler, the Creator’s Goblin.

Twenty tedious minutes longer than his 2009 solo debut Bastard, Goblin bounces between spoken-word diatribes over minor chords and lumpy approximations of the Neptunes’ hardest, hip-hop productions. The latter hints at what Goblin could have been: Something a bit more open to new sounds. There’s still a pretty good album in here somewhere, something at least as engaging as the best stuff Odd Future gave away for free. So let’s make it that way. Here’s Goblin Redux…”

Written by Brandon

May 13th, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Posted in Spin, Spin column

11 Responses to 'Spin: “Goblin Redux, Touching Up Tyler’s New Album.”'

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  1. Ouch, rough reception. I guess you could’ve prefaced it by saying something like, “In our mp3 age, it’s so easy to make your own personal Goblin, here’s mine” or something to that effect.

    Anyway, about Goblin and the morality of the rape jokes, I don’t know if I’d say they could never be acceptable. At least, I found them more acceptable on Bastard than Goblin. I think it’s because Bastard was in its own world so I accepted it as this a natural element of that world, in the same way I guess as I accept cannibalism as an element in Brotha Lynch Hung’s world. I think that Goblin started interacting with like the real world and Tyler started trying to actually rationalize this stuff in a real world context and it falters because of it.


    17 May 11 at 5:20 am

  2. Dude you bitch too much about Tyler to be writing this much about him. You are like the the kid who talks shit about the most popular girl at school then ends up going home and writing long letters about how much you despise her, and how uninterested you are in how pretty she is. Either admit that your hatred of Tyler is an inverted form of love, or just drop the subject altogether and move on.


    17 May 11 at 8:26 am

  3. REALLY good point by quan. That had never even occurred to me until now but he’s totally right!

    mark p.

    18 May 11 at 3:40 am

  4. Quan-
    I swear I responded to you here. I’ll keep it short and maybe expound later. Yes, this is crucial. He’s Tyler so he does this, but he’s just sorta having everything every which way. Like, he wants to keep doing rape joke song or whatever, he needs to not acknowledge these hand-wringing critics and if he wants to be the next Kanye West, then he needs to ease up on the rape talk.

    am I reading you right?


    19 May 11 at 7:08 pm

  5. I don’t know how played out misogyny is. Lil B’s ‘Pretty Bitch’ is one of the better songs I’ve heard in the past couple years. Of course, that’s partly because of the weird stuff with gender going on there, e.g. “I’m a pretty bitch,” but even leaving that out of the song, I think he’d still be bringing a fresh and fun take to being a misogynistic dick. Perhaps Tyler’s simply failing to do that. I wouldn’t know; I’ve never listened to him.


    20 May 11 at 3:48 am

  6. Yeah, basically the first part of what you said, he needs to not acknowledge critics. He obviously loves pissing off critics but gets mad that they’re feeling provoked, it’s kinda stupid. He should just keep pissing off critics unapologetically. And there is like nothing wrong with horrorcore, he’s tripping.

    Anyway, I’m gonna try trimming it down myself, that was a good idea. I know I’d take out “Bitch Suck Dick” and I thought “Radicals” was pretty corny. I’ll trade you my final playlist sometime later maybe.


    20 May 11 at 6:55 am

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