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May Picks.

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  • Cities Aviv, Digital Lows: Memphis weirdo who makes jokes about white girls who like Mr. Bungle could lean heavily on one of the many sounds he merges here (hypnagogic Flylo weirdness, blog rap from like 2008, post-OF devil rap, broken 90s hip-hop) and get accolades but well, that’s not how you make a great rap album, now is it?
  • Dope Body, Nupping: If that new Battles record is a big giant boner kill for you (and it most certainly is, just admit it) try out these angry, noisy, arty, precise Baltimore punks. Tempted to even type the phrase “rip hard” when describing this and you know what man? Fuck it. These guys rip hard. What else out right now sounds like this?
  • Spaceghostpurrp, Blvcklvnd Rvdix 66.6 (1991): “Three 6 Mafia-chanting, woozy Wu-Tang loops, DJ Screw wheeze, and Mortal Kombat and Godzilla sound effects, all paired with an off-the-dome rapping style that’s equal parts Lil Wayne and Lil B. It’s as if James Ferraro Lawnmower Man-ed his way into a rap rarity message board.”
  • The Sea And Cake, The Moonlight Butterfly: Chicago nerds do this content, melancholy jangle thing really well, and it never ever gets old. Here, they shift that perfect formula enough (the title track is some Raymond Scott-meets-Moroder ish, “Inn Keeping” is a 10 minute epic) to make this EP’s brevity at least well, acceptable.
  • Beastie Boys, Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2: Most Beastie albums are spotty, making this squonking funk freak-out their third best, after Paul’s Boutique and Check Your Head. And it’s fun! Remember fun? Yeah, I don’t either but when I listen to this I pretend I do. And then you realize they made something this fun while Yauch had cancer. Damn.
  • ***BONUS REISSUE PICK*** Orange Goblin, 5 CD Box Set: Mid-90s UK stoner metal legends that get left out of the grimy sludgy doomy history books because most dolts prefer stuff that works too hard to be genuinely heavy. The Big Black is perfect. The rest of them ain’t too shabby either. Awesomely unnecessary. Thank you Metal Blade.

Written by Brandon

June 3rd, 2011 at 2:06 am

Posted in 2011

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