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Archive for the ‘brandon is a crybaby’ Category



Real content on Tuesday or Wednesday. So like millions of other Americans, I lost my job today! I’ll undoubtedly be filing for unemployment and/or serving coffee or something somewhere or another and while fully aware getting paid to write is something of a luxury these days and nothing I deserve or anything, if anyone wants to pay me to write about music or something, I’d really love it. Send me an email at:


Written by Brandon

March 9th, 2009 at 2:05 pm

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Check. This. Out...Thanks-a-million to Jay Smooth, he put me in with people waaaayyyyy out of my league.

Sorry for no posts still. Monique’s got a really good one brewing. I’m still coping with this school stuff. I might even drop out of this bitch. My ‘Film Analysis & Research’ class entails writing one twenty-page paper in the entire six weeks. Fuck is this? E-Z. Is this Grad. school? It does give me more time to blog, so once I get out of the initial shock of this program eating a dick, I’ll get on it. This blog, OhWord,; that should excite me.

This is what you look like living in Roanoke, VA, when your brain isn’t stimulated.

Written by Brandon

June 20th, 2007 at 3:56 am