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Archive for the ‘Kevin Lee’ Category

Moving Image Source: The Devil’s Spawn, the MTV Legacy of Kenneth Anger’s Lucifer Rising

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So, over at the Museum of Moving Image’s website, a video essay by Kevin Lee and myself that investigates sixties underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger’s immeasurable influence on music videos is up. From Anger’s weirdo, Manson-family member scored Lucifer Rising to Hype Williams, back to 90s alt-rock and Wu Tang, to Hercules & Love Affair–all in nine minutes. Partially narrated in my fruity-ass voice. This video essay’s been awhile in the making and I’m glad to see it up and ready for viewing. Hope you enjoy it.

Big thanks to Kevin Lee for thinking of me and brilliantly editing and organizing the whole thing. You can watch it above or go to the website and watch it and read along. If you’ve never seen Kenneth Anger’s Lucifer Rising, well it is on Google Video.

Written by Brandon

August 17th, 2009 at 12:22 pm